ACE Browse Data
(NOT Publication Quality)Disclaimer
ACE browse data are designed for monitoring large scale particle and field behavior and for selecting interesting time periods. The data are automatically generated from the spacecraft data stream using simple algorithms provided by the instrument investigators. They are not routinely checked for accuracy and are subject to revision. Use these data at your own risk, and consult with the appropriate instrument investigators about citing them. Click here to find out more about the purpose and limitations of the browse data.
If you are looking for data suitable for serious scientific studies, you need ACE Level 2 data.
- Latest 4-day Browse Plot
- Flexible Browse Data Interface. View/download/plot your own selection of ACE browse data. 5-minute, hourly and daily averages are available.
- Daily and 27-day survey plots of ACE magnetometer and solar wind data from the PWG gif-walk site.
- ACE browse data
Ready-made plots covering fixed time frames. Usually updated daily.
- ACE Magnetometer 16-second averaged Browse Data
- ACE EPAM Browse Data, updated minutes after receipt of Level 0 data from DSN)
- The CDAWeb data system supports interactive plotting of variables from multiple instruments on multiple investigations simultaneously on arbitrary, user-defined time-scales. It also supports data retrieval in both CDF or ASCII format. ACE Browse and Level 2 data are available through CDAWeb.
- Browse Data Documentation
- Transient HDF Files are used to handle special requests and are typically uninteresting to all but those who asked for them.
The purpose of the ACE browse data is to quickly provide first-order ACE mission results to the science community. The data include Solar wind parameters, interplanetary magnetic field data, solar and cosmic ray particle fluxes. To see a list of the data items we provide (or plan to provide), have a look at the ACE Browse Parameter List.
Please register by sending email to us with your NAME and EMAIL address. You will be notified when interesting Browse parameter related events occur such as major reprocessing or error corrections.
The DIAL Experimental Data Server that is being used at the ACE Science Center to allow web-browsing of HDF data files was jointly developed by Hughes STX and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications under contract to NASA/GSFC. The ACE Science Center has customized the software for the ACE dataset.
Our Email Address: asc@srl.caltech.edu
Last Updated: October, 2018 Back to ASC Home Page